Bible Study Resources
Bible Study Resources

Bible Study Resources

How to Level Up with Bible Study Resources

Understanding of the text can be improved by using Bible study tools, especially for studying the original Language. These tools can be found in printed form, on free websites, or incorporated into various Bible study software apps. 

Parallel Bible 

Comparing different translations of the Bible is a basic tool used for Bible study. Translations used should have an acceptable level of accuracy. These include ESV, NAS/NASB/NASU, ASV, NRSV, and RSV. The Geneva Bible (GNV) is also a good reference for the pre KJV textural tradition. The REV (Revised English Version) and commentary should also be compared with these translations that have traditional theological biases that have to be accessed from REV website. 

Strong’s Concordance

The purpose of Strong’s Concordance is to provide an index to the Bible. This allows the reader to find words where they appear in the Bible. This index allows a student of the Bible to re-find a phrase or passage previously studied. It also lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used elsewhere in the Bible. Each original-language word is given an entry number in the dictionary of those original-language words listed in the back of the concordance. These have become known as the “Strong’s numbers”. The main concordance lists each word that appears in the KJV Bible in alphabetical order with each verse in which it appears listed in order of its appearance in the Bible, with a snippet of the surrounding text (including the word in italics). Appearing to the right of the scripture reference is the Strong’s number. This allows the user of the concordance to look up the meaning of the original language word in the associated dictionary in the back,


An Interlinear is an original language Bible combined with an English translation and often includes additional information in the form of a grid under the manuscript words e.g lemma, Strong’s number, morphological tagging (parsing). Some websites that include interlinear tools are listed below.

Lexicon / Dictionary

lexicon is the vocabulary of a language or subject. Lexicons are really dictionaries, though a lexicon usually covers an ancient language or the special vocabulary of a particular author or field of study. In linguistics, the lexicon is the total stock of words and word elements that carry meaning. Lexicon is from Greek lexikon (biblion) meaning “word (book).”

Morphological Tagging (Parsing)

Morphological Tagging maps, not only the lemma (base form of a word), but certain grammatical information about the word such as part of speech, root, stem, tense, person, etc.

Critical Text (Critical Edition)

The Critical Text is a Greek text of the New Testament that draws from a group of ancient Greek manuscripts and their variants in an attempt to preserve the most accurate wording possible through the process of modern textural criticism.  With the discovery of new manuscript evidence, the Critical Text has been revised many times. Currently, Novum Testamentum Graece, the Nestle-Aland text (now in its 28th edition) is the critical text in common use, along with the Greek New Testament published by the United Bible Societies (UBS5). See more at the wikipedia link:

Critical Apparatus

A critical apparatus in textual criticism of primary source material, is an organized system of notations to represent, in a single text, the complex history and variant readings of that text in a concise form useful to diligent readers and scholars. The apparatus typically includes footnotes, standardized abbreviations for the source manuscripts, and symbols for denoting recurring problems (one symbol for each type of scribal error). The advanced software options in the section below provide integrations with the critical text and apparatus. Online access to the leading critical apparatus (NA-28 and UBS-5) is limited. Here are a couple of links to other apparatus available online.

Free Online Bible Study Resources

Free Apps for Android / iPhone / iPad

Free Bible Study Software for PC 

Advanced Bible Software & Resources

Below are select software packages and resources available through Olive Tree, Accordance and Logos.

OliveTree Bible Software

Free Download:

Beginning Resources

Intermediate Resources

Advanced Greek Resources

Advanced Hebrew Resources

Accordance Bible Software (Option A)

The recommended core package is Accordance Bible Software (Option A) and the recommended pro Greek package is Accordance Bible Software (Option B). 

Starter Collection 13 – Greek Language Specialty

Product Page:

This is the software package of core resources that includes interlinear functionality and powerful tools. It is recommended to also add the Comprehensive NT (COM) below.

Comprehensive NT (COM) with Bible Cross-References

Product Page:

An accurate and readable translation of the New Testament with detailed notes and cross-references. 

Over 15,000 variations in ancient manuscripts are translated in the footnotes.

The Comprehensive NT (COM) is only available in digital form on Accordance.  


Accordance Bible Software (Option B)

Greek Pro Collection 13

Product Page:

This is a pro software package that has all the recommended advanced Greek resources. This also includes the Comprehensive NT (COM).

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